A Day in the Life of a RASA Student

Posted September 10, 2024


RASA Student Schedules

For those curious about what a typical day looks like for our RASA students, we’re excited to share a glimpse into their daily schedules! From Early Childhood Education (ECE) through 1st grade, our students enjoy a dynamic, balanced day filled with learning, play, and creative expression. Here’s a breakdown of a typical day:

Click here to see a printable version of student schedules.

8:20 AM – Arrival

Students begin their day with a warm welcome and transition into their classrooms, ready to start their day. The morning begins with either breakfast and interest area choices for our ECE students or a Morning Meeting and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Kindergarten and 1st-grade students, setting the tone for a positive day.

9:00 AM – Foundational Literacy

Our youngest learners in ECE dive into interest areas and small groups, fostering hands-on exploration and interaction. Kindergarten and 1st-grade students focus on foundational literacy skills through both direct instruction and small group activities to ensure individualized attention and growth.

10:10 AM – Arts Essentials

Arts play an essential role at RASA, providing a creative outlet and enhancing cognitive development. Depending on the grade level, students participate in either Arts Essentials or English Language Development (ELD), where they strengthen language skills and express their creativity.

11:00 AM – Math

Math time at RASA is all about building problem-solving skills. Students engage in math lessons designed to challenge their minds and support their development in understanding numbers, patterns, and logic.

11:50 AM – Lunch & Recess

After a busy morning of learning, students recharge with lunch and recess. ECE students enjoy rest time after lunch to wind down, while Kindergarten and 1st graders head back outside to get some fresh air and movement.

1:00 PM – Arts Essentials and ELD

After lunch, students transition into a second round of Arts Essentials or ELD, depending on their grade. Arts integration continues to be a key part of the afternoon, helping students connect their learning across different subjects.

2:00 PM – Arts Integration & STEAM Block

In the afternoon, RASA students explore Arts Integration and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). This time allows them to creatively apply their knowledge in innovative ways, fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and hands-on learning.

3:20 PM – Closing Meeting

Each day wraps up with a Closing Meeting, where students reflect on their day, share accomplishments, and prepare for dismissal. This reflection time strengthens their sense of community and helps them transition from school to home life.

3:50 PM – Dismissal

After a full day of learning, RASA students head home, eager to share the experiences and knowledge they’ve gained.

At RASA, we believe in creating a holistic, balanced learning experience where every student’s creativity, intellect, and emotional well-being are nurtured. We hope this gives you a better sense of the incredible days your child experiences as part of our RASA community!