Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Universal Preschool Colorado (UPK) Information for Early Childhood Education (ECE) Students

RASA is not currently listed on the Universal Preschool Colorado (UPK) application. The Colorado Department of Early Childhood is working on including RASA in their system. You will still be eligible to receive UPK benefits, and you will be notified once the UPK application is available for RASA families.

Every school district in Colorado, including DPS, is working with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) to continue expanding its Early Childhood Education with an enrollment process for Universal Preschool Colorado, also known as (UPK).

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Miriam Arneros, Office Manager, at miriam_arneros@dpsk12.net for assistance.

Applications for SchoolChoice Round 2 will open on April 10, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Round 2 of SchoolChoice is on a first-come, first-served basis, within school priority groups, and is for families who missed Round 1; took part in Round 1 but want to re-explore their options; or are new to DPS for next school year. Round 2 opens following the release of Round 1 results. To submit a Round 2 application sign into your SchoolChoice account and apply to your preferred schools. If you don’t have an account, you can create one using your email address or a current Parent Portal log-in. You can also call the Choice Hotline at 720-423-3493 for assistance with submitting a Round 2 application.

We will plan to open two ECE-4 year old classrooms (one ELE and one ELE-S).

Following your DPS SchoolChoice application submitted, DPS will reach out to families to provide the next steps for completing an application for funding support through Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado. Visit the DPS Early Childhood Education (ECE) webpage for more information on how to apply!

UPK ensures that every child, in the year before they are eligible for kindergarten, is eligible for half-day, state-funded, voluntary preschool. 3-year-olds with qualifying factors may be eligible for at least part-time (10 hours-per-week) preschool programming. 4-year-olds with qualifying factors may be eligible for additional hours of tuition-free preschool.